The Franco-Mauritian Elite: Power and Anxiety in the Face of Change. New York: Berghahn Books (new directions in anthropology series).
Moral economies of distribution and redistribution in Africa. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 42 (2) (with Cristiano Lanzano and Jörg Wiegratz).
Moral economies of capitalism in Africa. Critical African Studies Volume 16 (with Jörg Wiegratz and Cristiano Lanzano).
The Anthropology of Elites: Power, Culture and the Complexities of Distinction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (with Jon Abbink).
The colour of wealth concentration: The defence of economic privilege and multicultural ideology in postcolonial Mauritius. Canadian Journal of Development Studies (pre-print).
Time will tell: Temporalities of a European land deal in Zambia and its critics. Geoforum 137 (December): 126–134.
When land becomes a burden: An analysis of an underperforming Zambian land deal. African Studies Review 64 (3): 653–674 (with Chewe Nkonde).
Multi-scalar moral economy: Global agribusiness, rural Zambian residents, and the distributed crowd. Focaal 89: 79-92.
Conflicting interpretations: On analyzing an agribusiness’ concerns about critique. The Journal of Business Anthropology 8 (1): 4–24 (with comments by Hannah Appel und Bill Beeman).
Facing criticism: An analysis of (land-based) corporate responses to the large-scale land acquisition countermovement. The Journal of Peasant Studies 46 (5): 1003–1020.
Attribution and contestation: Relations between elites and other social groups. Critique of Anthropology 38 (3): 265–284 (with Irene Skovgaard-Smith).
Home is where our beach is: An analysis of Franco-Mauritians’ limited interest to emigrate. Journal of Mauritian Studies (special issue: Mauritian Diaspora in Question: Trajectories and Connections): 102-120.
Who belongs to the elite? Insights from the study of the Franco-Mauritians. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 141: 123–142.
(Dis)unity in diversity: How common beliefs about ethnicity benefit the white Mauritian elite. Journal of Modern African Studies 53 (4): 533–555.
Who does the state work for? Geopolitical considerations in the organization of (global) finance. Real-World Economics Review 71: 124–140.
Introduction: Anxiety at the top. Comparative Sociology 13: 1–11 (with Erella Grassiani).
Change, anxiety and exclusion in the postcolonial reconfiguration of Franco-Mauritian elite geographies. The Geographical Journal 180 (3): 236–245 (with Iain Hay).
Balancing redistribution: Franco-Mauritians’ Landownership in the maintenance of an Elite Position. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 31 (1): 503-521.
Embodied signs of elite distinction: Franco-Mauritians’ white skin colour in the face of change. Comparative Sociology 10 (4): 548–570.
The other side of succession issues: How the decline of some family businesses allows for the consolidation of others. In: Tobias Koellner (ed.) Family Firms and Business Families in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Balancing redistribution: Franco-Mauritians’ landownership in the maintenance of an elite position (reprint 2013 article). In: George Barrett, Shirley Brooks, Jenny Josefsson’s and Nqobile Zulu (eds). The Changing Face of Land and Conservation in Post-Colonial Africa: Old Land, New Practices? New York: Routledge.
In defense: Elite power (reprint 2010 article). In: Jon Abbink and Tijo Salverda (eds). The Anthropology of Elites: Power, Culture and the Complexities of Distinction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Introduction: An anthropological perspective on elite power and the cultural politics of elites. In: Jon Abbink and Tijo Salverda (eds). The Anthropology of Elites: Power, Culture and the Complexities of Distinction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (with Jon Abbink).
Maintaining an elite position: How Franco-Mauritians sustain their leading role in post-colonial Mauritius. In: Jon Abbink and André van Dokkum (eds). Dilemmas of Development: Conflicts of Interest and their Resolutions in Modernizing Africa. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum, African studies collection 12.
Ethnography in pandemic times. The Journal of Business Anthropology 11 (1): 103-106.
Land Grabbing und seine KritikerInnen: Ein Fallbeispiel in Sambia. In: Karin Fischer, Christian Reiner and Cornelia Staritz (eds.). Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung: Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur. Vienna: Mandelbaum.
Tales of Inequality: What Piketty, Rousseau, Scrooge McDuck, and the Devil may have in common (winner essay prize What is the future of inequality among people, and how can it be changed by social and cultural practice? University of Cologne; with Florian Willems).
‘Decent work’: Historical and cultural varieties. Voices from Around the World (Online-Journal GSSC; with Andrea Hollington, Sinah Kloß, Nina Schneider und Oliver Tappe).
Controlling knowledge and the role of engaged intellectuals. Voices from Around the World (Online-Journal GSSC; with Jonathan DeVore, Andrea Hollington, Sinah Kloß, Nina Schneider und Oliver Tappe).
Aiming to keep capitalist accumulation in check: The role of the global land rush’s fiercest critics. Focaal Blog.
How capitalists think–about belonging, moralities, global entanglements, and historical social processes, for example. Focaal Blog (with Patrick Neveling)
Beyond the horizon: The logics of exclusive seaside resorts. In: Franz Krause, Andrea Hollington, Sinah Kloß, Tijo Salverda, Nina Schneider and Oliver Tappe (eds.). Social Water. Voices from Around the World (online journal GSSC).
Hope for the future? Efforts and ideas to improve the current economic predicament. Voices from Around the World (online journal GSSC; with Andrea Hollington, Sinah Kloß, Nina Schneider and Oliver Tappe).
Concepts of the Global South. Voices from Around the World (online journal GSSC; with Andrea Hollington, Oliver Tappe and Tobias Schwarz).
Die grauen Herren von der Wall Street. Kulturaustausch. Stuttgart: Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations.
Culture and Moral Issues in the Financial Markets. Memo included in the investigation of the (Dutch) Parliamentary Committee Inquiry Financial System.
Still standing, the maintenance of a white elite in Mauritius. IIAS newsletter 45.
Changing definitions of ethnic boundaries on Mauritius. IIAS newsletter 33.